Virus Technology

Clyde Lewis breaks down Virus Technology on this classic remaster of Ground Zero Lounge

Freeman Fly and Rex Church

This classic Ground Zero Lounge has been remastered from a really bad copy, but Rex and Freeman do such an eloquent job we decided to include this one in the archive.

Prelude To Roswell

Prelude To Roswell, Clyde Lewis Ground Zero Lounge live at The Paradise Sports Bar Portland Oregon. Videos From The Underground.

2 Year Anniversary Special

Celebrating 2 years of UFOs, Sasquatch, human sacrifice cults, and sex jokes! Join Vince, Alex, Peter, Tyler, and Chris and a slew of surprise guests as they ring in this milestone!

BEAT THE ELITES: Virtual Consciousness Swarming and Remote Viewing

This video present a new occupy movement strategy based on cold war esp research that combines virtual consciousness swarming and remote viewing. One that can give us the power of mind, to change the world for the common good and for which the elites have no defense.

Planet X System Update No. 2

In a live, predawn telecast on or about January 14, 2014, the morning news anchors of this NBC News affiliate, KCRA in Sacramento, CA aired live video from their own KCRA new helicopter. In it, they reported an observation of a planet they could not explain. What our analyses showed is that the KCRA morning news team observed two planets via their live news helicopter feed: Venus eclipsing Nibiru.

Planet X System Update No. 1

This program presents an overview of the Planet X system, how it moves through our solar system and why we always seem to observe it near the Sun and not behind us, plus recent observations of three planets in the Planet X system captured by ocean buoys located in the Gulf of Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. Detailed explanations of the first three Planet X events projected for the tribulation time line are presented: covert visitations, deep impact, and the perihelion alignment of the Planet X system as it will be seen from Earth. These projections by the Guides appear in the book, Being In It for the Species. To learn more about the tribulation projections made by the Guides in being in it for the species, visit or

Planet X 101: Proof of Nibiru

There is far too much FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) in the topic of Planet X / Nibiru / Hercolubus these days because it is coming from malevolent sources. Mostly, paid disinformationalists and their useful idiots, who proclaim themselves to be self-appointed debunkers. In this video, Marshall Masters counters, their claims and attacks with science and verifiable evidence. A former CNN science feature producer, Marshall is not asking anyone to believe anything. That’s what the debunkers do. Rather, he’s asking you to be a good cynic and to follow your curiosity in a deliberate manner. To see, verify and decide for yourself if Planet X is real. This is because it is coming our way and it will cause death on a scale never before seen by humanity. In other words, everyone has some skin in this game so now is the time to find the truth that resonates within you, because you and you alone put it there.

Planet X 101: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How

This is the best starting place for those new to the topic of Planet X, because if presents a foundation understanding of the topic. It explains the various names used to describe these objects and offers a comprehensive history of the topic dating back to 1781 through to the present. For newbies, it is a real time saver, because it condenses months if not years of personal research for most, into a one-hour presentation.

Planet X 101: Deep Impact

This video features an in-depth analysis of fireball observation statistical trends as published by the American Meteor Society (AMS). What you will see is a clear upward trend in large fireballs and bolides that has been steadily building since 2009. Given that oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface, if this trend does not reverse itself soon, it is likely that we will witness a deep impact event in the near future. Such events generate catastrophic tsunamis such as the one depicted in the film Deep Impact (1998).