The Real Zombie Apocalypse – Part 2

On June 8th, 2012, Douglas Dietrich appeared LIVE on Feet to the Fire radio for his 5th appearance to reveal his information on the Zombie Phenom. It was a three hour interview. This is part two of a two part video release.

The Real Zombie Apocalypse – Part 1

On June 8th, 2012, Douglas Dietrich appeared LIVE on Feet to the Fire radio for his 5th appearance to reveal his information on the Zombie Phenom. It was a three hour interview. This is part one of a two part video release.

Douglas Dietrich Addresses Aquino’s Email Demanding Retractions

Douglas Dietrich returns for a LIVE interview, aired Sep 15th, 2013 to directly address and email send to his manager, that demands Douglas write a retraction to things Aquino believed Dietrich said about him or possible legal action. The problem is some of things Douglas is supposed to of said, he did not. And others are a matter of public record about a public figure that anyone could find with simple research into public records and Aquino’s own TV appearances and writings.

Lional Parkinson: The Name of God Revealed in Ancient Cylinder

Feet to the Fire’s guest, Lional Parkinson, author of the book, “The Holy Virus”, talks about an Archaeological find that names the “Lord God of Heaven” that appears in Isaiah Ezra, Nehemiah, and other place in the Bible. It is a clay cylinder, dated back to the time of Cyrus, King of Persia and conqueror of Babylon, who decreed that the people under his dominion should be freed to erect a temple to worship their gods. Omitted from the Old Testament, the name of this “Lord God of Heaven” is found clearly, as it were, preserved in stone.