Return of the Nephilim

Are UFO encounters a sign of the Nephilimā€™s return? The mythoi of our ancestors seem outlandish with tales of flying vehicles and wars in the heavens. The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is filled with accounts of encounters with divine beings; Abraham and the ā€˜smoking firepotā€™ and a flaming torch that appeared in the sky as a sign of acceptance of his sacrifice, the ā€˜pillar of cloudā€™ by day and the ā€˜pillar of fireā€™ by night that led Moses and the Israelites, God landing on Mount Sinai in smoke, with a sound of a trumpet before them, Elijah being ā€˜carried up to heavenā€™ in a ā€˜chariot of fireā€™ which created a whirlwind, and of course, Ezekielā€™s famous close encounter. The origins of modern civilization on planet Earth has always been extraterrestrial.

Secret Handsigns of the Illuminati – Part 1

Explore hundreds of photos of Illuminati hand signs in politics, banking, religion, and entertainment, as Texe Marrs and Freeman illustrate their vast knowledge on the subjects of Freemasonry, goddess worship, and occultism.

Secret Handsigns of the Illuminati – Part 2

Explore hundreds of photos of Illuminati hand signs in politics, banking, religion, and entertainment, as Texe Marrs and Freeman illustrate their vast knowledge on the subjects of Freemasonry, goddess worship, and occultism. (PART 2)

Disney’s World

It is said that America is slated to be the amusement park/shopping mall of the New World Order. We can see this occurring as production moves out of the country and a state of servitude is instilled into the people. Join Freeman on a quest of America as Disney’s World.

Nephilim Giants with Gary Wayne

Gary Wayne discusses The Genesis 6 Conspiracy as it marches toward the Great Tribulation, when the loyalty of the Terminal Generation will be tested. The Bible, along with many other ancient sources, clearly records the existence of giants; A race we have come to call the Nephilim or Annunaki.